
How does connection and collaboration improve the health of Jefferson County communities?
In the Healthy Jeffco Alliance, we believe that connection and collaboration are critical factors in supporting communities to thrive. We also believe that each and every member of a community has value to contribute and together we can make health and opportunity possible for all. By facilitating connection, collaboration and conversation across Jefferson County, our collective goal is to make it possible for people and organizations to work together to change systems, improve outcomes and be connected in caring, supportive communities.
Together we strive to create a culture that nurtures safety, trust, belonging, collaboration, personal relationships, listening and empathy.
Why Connection?
Our relationships and connections directly impact our health and life outcomes. In focusing on increasing connection throughout Jefferson County, we hope to foster a culture of connection where people rely on each other, feel safe and heard by others and experience a sense of belonging within connected networks and communities.
In May 2023, the U.S. Surgeon General identified social connection as a priority area in the United States (external link) due to its role in individual, community, and societal health. The impact of loneliness and social isolation can be seen in Jefferson County and across the nation. Partners in the Alliance are working to shift the systems we live in and support the development of connected communities.
Connection Across Jefferson County
In 2019, partners in Jefferson County identified population indicators that would help us understand if people were becoming more or less connected with others. The Alliance monitors changes in these metrics over time and adjusts its strategies based on findings. These indicators come from the Jefferson County Health and Wellbeing Survey which was used in 2021 with responses from adults in Jefferson County, and the Healthy Kids Colorado Survey which collects information from Colorado youth in grades 6-12.
Lacking social connection can increase the risk for premature death as much as smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day.
A connected thriving community is one where people and organizations, ranging from members of the community, nonprofits, government, businesses and more, use their perspectives and resources to achieve shared goals.
Why Collaboration?
Many factors influence a person's overall health and ability to thrive. From the neighborhoods we live in, our networks of friends, family and community, and our ability to access resources like education and healthcare all play a role in our mental and physical health.
Since these factors are broad and expand into many different aspects of a person's life, we recognize that collaboration across sectors is instrumental as we make health and opportunity possible for all. Community members and organizations must work together to gain deeper understanding of the issues communities face and together address barriers.

Collaboration Across Jefferson County
In 2020 and 2022, the Alliance, with support from The Civic Canopy, used the Hicks-Larson Working Together Survey to measure collaboration in Jefferson County. Respondents to the survey were people who participate in at least one collaborative effort in Jefferson County.
"There is a clear and identifiable relationship between the quality of the collaborative process and community health program success.”
(The Influence of Collaboration on Program Outcomes The Colorado Nurse—Family Partnership (external link), 2008)
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
The Alliance is committed to creating a safe, inclusive and affirmative environment that builds a culture of connection among the community members and organizations of Jefferson County. Additionally, the Alliance is committed to language justice and creating multilingual meeting spaces where everyone can speak the language of their heart. We recognize that historical and institutional injustices are obstacles to a connected, thriving community. The Alliance is committed to continually assessing its own structures, environment, partnership and governance to address racism, bias and other conditions that lead to unfair advantage and disadvantage.
1. CDC | How Does Social Connectedness Affect Health? (external link)
2. Current Priorities of the U.S. Surgeon General - Social Connection (external link)
3. Stanford Social Innovation Review | The Need for Cross-Sector Collaboration (external link)
4. The Influence of Collaboration on Program Outcomes The Colorado Nurse—Family Partnership (external link)
Get to Know The Action Teams
Learn about how each of the Action Teams are working to increase connection and collaboration in Jefferson County communities.