Technology Action Team
Improving client experience and well-being through data sharing and increasing access to community resources.
About the Strategy Area
In this action team, we focus our conversations on computer and information technology. We explore not just the tools but also the systems in which those tools function. We strive to prioritize life experiences in the development of these tools.
Many organizations and groups in Jefferson County and across the state are turning to technological tools to improve peoples’ experiences between different organizations and across service sectors. These tools aim to improve the identification of people’s needs, enrollment in benefits, identification of community resources and the connection of people to these resources. Since 2021, the team has been learning across sectors, connecting work and collaborating where possible. To learn more about how the team works together, please visit our Action Team page.

Our Journey
Towards Supporting Data Sharing and Increasing Access to Community Resources
What We're Learning
Creating conditions where organizations can share client data and where people can access community resources can improve client experiences and overall well-being. The following are some conditions we are finding necessary for improved client experience through the use of technology.

People want the ability to manage when, how and with whom their information is shared. However, when they have difficult stories or are working with multiple organizations at once, people want to be able to share their information between organizations.
The absence of a comprehensive resource lists leads to significant time lost for staff and people looking for services. This can lead to delays in care and feelings of despair during times of greatest need.
People's needs change over time and are influenced by their social supports. Unlike medical histories, people do not want their social support history to be a permanent part of their record.
Centering community brings organizations together. Shifting from a system where priorities are decided upon and driven by organizations to a community-centered approach brings organizations together for a shared purpose.

Technology in Action
MyFriendBen: Simplifying the Benefits Navigation Process
Have you ever experienced challenges in understanding what benefits you are entitled to? You aren’t the only one! Gary Community Ventures and a group of Colorado families who participate in cash assistance programs designed an online tool called My Friend Ben that takes people through an 8-minute process (usually a 45-minute process) to understand their available benefits. This tool has transformed the benefit navigation system to be more transparent, accessible, and accurate.
Interoperable Social Health Information Exchange Ecosystem
Many partners in the Denver metro area are coming together to create an interoperable social health information exchange ecosystem (S-HIE ecosystem) through the Metro Denver Partnership for Health. An interoperable S-HIE ecosystem strengthens coordination among health, human and community-based service providers to offer more comprehensive and customized care for people in need. Additionally, this type of system aims to promote equity by reducing barriers to service, and integrating systems to make them more effective, accessible and responsive to the needs of every community member.