Who We Are
We are people, organizations and businesses who care about cultivating health and opportunity within Jefferson County communities.
What We Do
We host conversation, build connections and strengthen collaboration to make Jefferson County a connected thriving community where health and opportunity are possible for all.
We Believe
Community is rooted in connection and collaboration and we ALL have value to contribute.
Our Work
The Alliance Action Teams, which include people from Jeffco organizations, businesses, coalitions and communities work on projects to improve health and opportunity in the county. Check out the following reports to learn more about their work.
Learn About the Current Teams & Conversation Areas!
Become Part of the Network!
Curious to learn more about the Alliance and the work our partners are doing? Observers of the Alliance receive regular updates on what the Alliance is doing with an open invitation to contribute and/or get more involved.
Interested in getting involved with one of our Action Teams or participating in a collaborative project? Participants of the Alliance actively engage in Alliance activities such as Action Team meetings and projects.
Do our values resonate with you or your organization? Consider becoming a recognized partner of the Alliance to further connection and collaboration within Jefferson County communities!